sreda, 5. februar 2014

Galerija/Gallery ; Weather of recent days in the Slovenian Railways is assessed as catastrophic

Vremenske razmere zadnjih dni na Slovenskih železnicah ocenjujemo kot katastrofalne, saj je bila na električnih napravah in drugih naprav,ki so namenjene zagotavljanju varnosti prometa, povzročena ogromna škoda, katere višina bo še ocenjena. Na Slovenskih železnicah se z vsemi razpoložljivimi močmi in sredstvi trudimo, da bodo proge čim prej po ureditvi vremenskih razmer spet normalno prevozne. Vsem uporabnikom naših storitev v potniškem in tovornem prometu se zahvaljujemo za njihovo razumevanje ob morebitnih neprijetnostih, na katere ne moremo vplivati.
Weather of recent days in the Slovenian Railways is assessed as catastrophic as it was in electrical appliances and other devices that are intended to ensure the safety of traffic caused enormous damage, the amount of which will be assessed. Slovenian Railways with all available forces and means of trying to track as soon as possible after the organization of the weather back to normal transport. All users of our services in passenger and freight transport are grateful for their understanding of the potential drawbacks, which we can not influence.
"Foto; Slovenian Railways SŽ "